Doctor of Theology in Biblical Studies is a research based degree. This is designed for theological study and for those who are capable of doing research at the highest level.This course is self-paced and it compels the student to study and find their voice. The program has two parts a project or dissertation and elective assignments:
1. Project or Dissertation
This project will be the students contribution to the Body of Christ. The project will culminate with a 25,000-38,000 word (100 pages) dissertation to be presented before the class and defended before the review board.
2. Electives
Electives typically include one or both:
1. Students could write 3 separate informal essay papers on 3 books which could include 3 of the books they found as they are preparing to write their dissertation. Students are to express what they learned when reading each books, approx. 1,000 words.
2. 3 Books assigned by the review board to fill in gaps that the school leaders feel necessary for the growth of the student The student is to write separate informal essay papers of approximately 1,000 words on books assigned by the school.